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Breakfast BLT Sandwich

A close up of a breakfast BLT sandwich on a cutting board

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This BLT sandwich is a 10. It’s epic; loaded with the good stuff (as you can see). Can you imagine yourself enjoying this Breakfast BLT Sandwich for breakfast or brunch tomorrow? I could see myself eating it now (11:00pm).

One of my Instagram pals, Lena, shared a pic of this sandwich and I knew I had to try it. I’m so glad I did. Lena, thank you so much for sharing this recipe. It was seriously the best sandwich I’ve ever had. Ever. I kid you not. I wouldn’t joke about this sandwich.

Ingredients for Breakfast BLT Sandwich (x4):

8 slices of bread
12 oz bacon
4 eggs
1 avocado
1 large tomato or sliced baby tomatoes
4 green lettuce leaves
Mayo or your favorite sandwich spread

BLT Sandwich -1

Perfect Baked Bacon:

Line a rimmed cookie sheet with foil. Line a rack with bacon and place the rack over the lined cookie sheet.
Bake at 400˚F for 20 minutes. The rack allows for heat to circulate around the bacon, but I’ve made it without the rack and it was still great.


Prepping your Breakfast BLT Sandwich:

Sauté your eggs over medium heat with 1/2 Tbsp olive oil. Lightly season with S&P. I left the yolk untouched and didn’t flip them. I did put the lid on for 30 seconds in the end so the whites would be fully cooked. The yolk was still juicy.

BLT Sandwich -3

BLT Sandwich -4

Toast both sides of your bread until golden (we did this over a skillet with a little butter)

Here’s the BLT assembly line:

1. Spread mayo on one side of each bread slice.

2. One one half, add bacon, and egg. On the second half, ad lettuce, avocados, tomatoes and sprinkle lightly with S&P. Sandwich the two halves together and skewer with a toothpick for effect 🙂 Seriously this sandwich is awesome.

BLT Sandwich -7

BLT Sandwich -8

This breakfast BLT Sandwich Recipe is over-the- top in the best way. We added an egg to this breakfast BLT and topped with avocado. Perfect combination.

This breakfast BLT Sandwich Recipe is over-the- top in the best way. We added an egg to this breakfast BLT and topped with avocado. Perfect combination.

This breakfast BLT Sandwich Recipe is over-the- top in the best way. We added an egg to this breakfast BLT and topped with avocado. Perfect combination.

Breakfast BLT Sandwich

5 from 11 votes
Author: Natasha of NatashasKitchen.com
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes


Servings: 4
  • 8 slices of bread
  • 12 oz bacon
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 avocado, pitted and sliced
  • 1 large tomato, sliced or sliced baby tomatoes
  • 4 green lettuce leaves
  • Mayo or your favorite sandwich spread
  • S&P


  • Line a rimmed cookie sheet with foil. Line a rack with bacon and place the rack over the lined cookie sheet.
  • Bake at 400˚F for 20 minutes. The rack allows for heat to circulate around the bacon, but I've made it without the rack and it was still great!
  • Saute your eggs over medium heat with 1/2 Tbsp olive oil. Lightly season with S&P. I left the yolk untouched and didn't flip them. I did put the lid on for 30 seconds in the end so the whites would be fully cooked. The yolk was still juicy.
  • Toast both sides of your bread until golden (we did this over a skillet with a little butter)
  • Spread mayo on one side of each bread slice.
  • One one half, add bacon, and egg. On the second half, add lettuce, avocados, tomatoes and sprinkle lightly with S&P. Sandwich the two halves together and skewer with a toothpick for effect 🙂 Seriously this sandwich is awesome.
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Breakfast BLT Sandwich
Skill Level: Easy
Cost to Make: $5-$6

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Natasha Kravchuk

Welcome to my kitchen! I am Natasha, the blogger behind Natasha's Kitchen (since 2009). My husband and I run this blog together and share only our best, family approved and tested recipes with YOU. Thanks for stopping by! We are so happy you're here.

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  • Pam Gaul
    June 30, 2017

    I make this sandwich with peppered bacon and add a slice of sharp American cheese on top of the egg…simply delicious!


    • Natasha's Kitchen
      June 30, 2017

      YUM! That sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing your excellent recipe!


  • Victoria dudkin
    June 29, 2015

    Hey, this sandwich looks so amazing I want it so bad! What kind of bread did you use here? And where did you buy it? Thanks 🙂


    • Natasha
      June 30, 2015

      It was a loaf from Costco, I think the pugliese bread. Any soft artisan-type of bread would work. I think even a sourdough would taste good.


  • liliya nozdratenko
    October 9, 2014

    this is very very delicious sandwiches


    • Natasha
      October 9, 2014

      I’m so happy you liked the sandwiches 🙂


  • YanaP
    September 15, 2013

    I make this recipe for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack time. 🙂 Never gets old. Easy and delicious! Thank you for sharing!


    • Natasha
      September 15, 2013

      Goodness now I’m craving it again! 🙂


  • Val
    August 19, 2013

    Natasha what kind of bacon did you use? Looks thick and crunchy


    • Natasha
      August 19, 2013

      I have a photo of it just after the list of ingredients (it’s the second photo down)


  • Inna
    July 7, 2013

    Just made this sandwich!!! yum! yum! even my 1 year old ate it!! 🙂


    • Natasha
      July 7, 2013

      That’s awesome! I’m so glad you enjoyed it 🙂


  • zoryana
    June 29, 2013

    WOW!! Love it, this is definitely a fav.


    • Natasha
      June 29, 2013

      That’s awesome. Thanks 🙂


  • Masha L
    June 27, 2013

    Me and my husband had it for dinner! Very good! I just cook my eggs well done. I don’t like runny eggs.


    • Natasha
      June 27, 2013

      I think this sandwich would be great any way you cook your eggs. I’m glad you enjoyed it!!


  • Anna @ Happy Medley
    June 26, 2013

    Oh my! I’ve made all different kinds of sandwiches in my day and age. But this does sound delicious! And when does bacon ISN’T delicious? Seriously!
    Going to make this next when I want a real splurge of a breakfast!
    Thanks for sharing


    • Natasha
      June 26, 2013

      Oh you’re so very welcome 🙂 I hope you love it. It is quite a treat!


  • Val
    June 25, 2013

    This looks really good definitely must try. What kind of bacon did you use?


    • Natasha
      June 25, 2013

      I used Hickory Smoked Bacon but any kind will work :).


  • Julia | JuliasAlbum.com
    June 23, 2013

    I love this kind of breakfast – I usually eat something quite substantial like that to keep me full longer. Scones and muffins alone just don’t cut it 🙂 – although they are nice to have as a side. Pinned!


    • Natasha
      June 23, 2013

      I’d have a scone or muffin as dessert (after the sandwich!) 😉


  • Nami | Just One Cookbook
    June 23, 2013

    What a great looking sandwich! I instantly got hungry when I saw your sandwich….that’s an awesome shot of egg yolk coming out of the sandwich. I should make bacon in oven next time. Looks a lot easier! Pinned. 🙂


    • Natasha
      June 23, 2013

      Thank you 🙂 it really was a super tasty sandwich!


  • veta
    June 22, 2013

    Natasha!!!! Your pictures always make me hungry lol I HAVE to try this sandwich one day, looks delicious. Btw, I’ve showed this BLT sandwich to my husband and he saw your last name and he is like : what is her husbands name? I told him and he is like : No way, I used to go to high school with him. I guess we live in such a small world lol Could you please say hi to Vadim from my husband Andrey Petrashishin . Андрей сказал что они списывали у Вадима и один раз Андрей получил лучше оценку чем Вадим хаха так что Вадим был в ярости 🙂 скажи Вадиму что я делала его блюдо с помидор, зукини и картошки и Андрей стал фанатом того блюда хаха так что я думаю его это хоть улыбнет 😉 хорошего дня Вам!


    • Natasha
      June 22, 2013

      Vadim laughed as I read the comment to him. Thanks for writing in. It really is a small world!! Vadim says hi to your hubby and you made him remember the good old days at Cordova High 😉


  • Marina @ Let the Baking Begin Blog
    June 22, 2013

    Ooh how much I love this sandwich! This is my husbands favorite breakfast and I make it for him only as a reward for good behavior lol (just kidding))) he doesn’t like avocado so I replace it with sweet onions.
    Love your pictures!


    • Natasha
      June 22, 2013

      Someone else said sweet onions also. I’ll have to give it a whirl. Raw or sauteed? Thank you by the way. That’s a huge compliment coming from you. I visit your blog for inspiration! 🙂


      • Marina of Let the Baking Begin!
        June 24, 2013

        Oh no, not sauteed, raw 🙂 We like our onion 😀 not only does it add to the ‘crunch’, but it also takes the away from the ‘blandness’, not that the sandwich is bland, but with avocado, you kind of need something to kick it up, try it, I think you’ll like it 🙂
        P.S. we were sitting in church on Sunday and out of the blue, my husband says.. .”I want that sandwich with the egg and bacon’ lol (no I didn’t tell him about your post), I was kind of lost at what to tell him at that moment, given that we were listening to the sermon at the time lol
        Oh and I am obsessed with this board that you have on your picture)) I have 3 different shapes of the same kind and I treasure them like my diamond ring))


  • Moms dish
    June 21, 2013

    Garden tomatoes? I want!


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      I know it! My mom’s tomatoes are finally starting to ripen 🙂


  • Oksana
    June 21, 2013

    I just drooled all over my keyboard! This looks AMAZING!


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      I hope you had a keyboard protector in place. That’s exactly why I have one on my laptop. I look at ALOT of amazing food photos 😉


  • Lana
    June 21, 2013

    This looks delicious. I make something similar with toasted bread, muenster cheese, egg and bacon. No mayo. It must taste really good with the lettuce and tomato too. Veggies are always good. I’ll have to try making this for breakfast on the weekend.


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      Ooooohhhh cheese. That sounds amazing. I bet muenster cheese is incredible on it!


  • D
    June 21, 2013

    Looks delish! I would go for some thinly sliced red onions here!


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      Ooh that would be a nice touch!


  • Bill
    June 21, 2013

    To, Natasha
    From, Bill Cox of “Cooking with ArizonaBill”

    Natasha, I am just starting a small (not for profit) Cooking web site, as I have always enjoyed cooking.
    My question is, would you give me permission to feature you and a few of your recipes for Russian cooking on my web site ?

    If you would allow it, anything I would feature about you would be sent to you for review before it would be added on my web site.
    You can view my website at, http://cookingwitharizonabill.com/

    In all my years of cooking I never tried “crepes”, till I viewed your Natasha’s Kitchen and your video on making crepes. WOW fantastic ! And Easy, my wife and I are enjoying them today.

    A little about me, I am 60 years young (haha) married to a wonderful wife, guess she married me because she doesn’t cook and I love to. Have one son who is in the Air force and one granddaughter who is German and lives with her mother Anja in Germany.

    I am a now retired Optician and former writer/photographer for “Thunder Roads” magazine, with desire to share recipes from around the world with others thought the internet. Have also discovered that I love Russian cooking as much as I have always love Russian architecture.

    Hope to hear back from you as to what you might or could allow me to use on my web site. In the mean time I will be trying a lot of your recipes for mine and my wife’s own enjoyment.

    Bill Cox
    aka “ArizonaBill”
    or, CookingwithArizonaBill@live.com


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      Nice to meet you! Sharing from my blog is ok as long as the photos and recipes are credited with a link back to the source. I also ask that the recipes are re-written in your own words and not copy and pasted word for word (google will penalize your site for it). I’m so glad you’re enjoying the recipes! 🙂


  • Bill
    June 21, 2013

    Natasha, yet another great recipe from you kitchen.
    Also I have written to you about partnering you on my website. You are witty and an excellent cook.
    Best wishes,


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      Hi Bill, I did reply to that comment just now. Thanks!! 🙂


  • Consuelo @ Honey & Figs
    June 21, 2013

    Oh My – I really do wish I was having this for breakfast (or lunch or even dinner, mind you) tomorrow… It looks amazing!!


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      You’re gonna love it! Ps I look forward to checking out your blog! 🙂


  • Nadia
    June 21, 2013

    Hey Natasha, what skillet are you using in that recipe? I’m looking to buy a new non-stick skillet, and yours looks pretty good. What brand(s) do you recommend?
    PS: The sandwich looks BOMB! Cant wait to try it (:


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      The circulon brand. My favorite! The exact same ones are in the shop tab at the top of my blog 😉


  • Amanda
    June 21, 2013

    Guess you really can’t go wrong with those ingredients. You had me at BLT. Makes my granola breakfast with almond milk sound a little flabby!


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      No worries, just plan on having this for lunch 😉


  • Inessa at GrabandgoRecipes.com
    June 21, 2013

    Ohh I am drooling. Looks so good 😉


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      Thank you Inessa, it was really really good :).


  • Oksana
    June 21, 2013

    Oh, Natasha, you shouldn’t be posting things so late, and I guess I shouldn’t be looking at your blog so late either (it’s about 20 minutes past 11 now). Now I wish I had some avocado laying around so I can make this tomorrow morning. ( I guess I can skip the avocado, but then the sandwich wouldn’t be a perfect 10, right?)


    • Natasha
      June 21, 2013

      🙂 that same (looking at amazing food way too late at night) situation happens to me daily. Without avocado it would probably be a 9, but thats still pretty dang good!! I hope you love it!


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